Monday, November 24, 2008


Just wanted to share some photos of my junkin' excursion this weekend. I found wonderful goodies for my home and my craft supplies. At the very first stall, I found three old dictionaries and a paper pad, beautifully yellowed and weathered. Two of the dictionaries and the paper pad were perfect for re purposing in my art projects, the third book is currently at home on my bookshelf.

I had paid for the books and was on my way to the next stop when I noticed a cute covered bowl. When I lifted the lid, all thoughts of the bowl vanished. Inside was a gold mine of buttons. There were at least 100 buttons, all different shapes sizes and colors. I had the nice gentleman brown bag them for me, and headed out to find my husband, who abandoned me in my button euphoria to go look at something more masculine. The second stall I hit was no less a treasure, I found an adorable teacup and saucer perfect for my daughter who currently loves tea parties.

I spent the next 2 hours looking listlessly, thrilled with my prior purchases, but not expecting to find anything to add to my growing collection. We decided to pack it in and on the way to the car, passed a man who was loading his truck. Sitting on the ground was an old toolbox that I immediately fell in love with. From the dilapidated leather wrapped handle to the scarred wooden interior, it was perfect. My husband lugged it to the car and never said a word, bless him. So check out my goodies-all purchased for a total of twelve dollars and fifty cent.